Generated: 2023-11-09 11:02:30
Offer collection has been completed
DZ-3194 Skanery Datalogic HS7500MR oraz rękawice - Z38/940/1
Start Date: 2023-11-09 12:00:00 Completion date: 2023-11-13 23:59:00 Deadline for questions: 2023-11-09 16:00:00
Żabka Polska Sp. z o. o.
61-586 POZNAŃ
NIP: 5223071241
Buyer: Molenda, Beata
telefon stacjonarny: -
telefon komórkowy: -
Contact person in substantive matters: Molenda, Beata
Enquiry contents

W imieniu firmy Żabka Polska prośba o ofertę na: 

10x Datalogic HS7500MR
40x Rękawic M Prawa (czyli 4 opakowania po 10)
20x Rękawic L Prawa ( czyli 2 opakowania po 10)

Na oferty czekamy do 13.11.2023

No item
Product Product Index/No. Quantity Unit
1. Datalogic HS7500MR 10 szt.
2. Rękawica M Prawa 4 opakowanie
3. Rękawica L Prawa 2 opakowanie
Formal criteria (conditions for participation in the proceeding):
1. Place of delivery: company headquarters
2. Transport cost: attributable to the supplier
3. Terms of payment: 60 days
Additional formal conditions:
Offer evaluation criteria:
1. Price - 100%
Additional questions regarding the offer:

No item


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